LetsGame.org Launches

Looking for a populated dedicated server to join for your favorite game?
Or perhaps you host a dedicated server and are looking for other players to join in on the fun with you?
LetsGame.org is the place for you!
Our new site is committed solely to providing a place for gamers to find servers they want to play on for a plethora of games. No more viewing the servers in your favorite games list of online servers only to find that the server is dead, there are hackers, or the game settings just aren't for you. Just come here, view our server list, find your game and pick a server that has what you want. Reveal the password and then join that server. Easy as that!
We also provide a Discord server for server up/down time notifications, polls for determining what games or game settings we want when a new server is coming online, and much more.
Lastly, one of the major advantages of joining the LetsGame.org community is quality of players. While we do allow anyone to join our community, and are welcoming to all new members, all of our chats and games are moderated. If any players don't abide by our community rules, then we may ban them from ALL LetsGame.org servers, our Discord, and any other service we offer. This helps to keep your ingame experience at a high level.
We hope to grow this community into one that allows us to create friendships and provide great ingame experiences.
Welcome to LetsGame.org!